We all ingest salt every day, whether we realize it or not. Various organizations, including the USDA, AHA, and Cooking Light magazine, recommend less than 2,300 milligrams sodium daily (the amount in one teaspoon of table salt) for healthy people. Most Americans consume closer to 4,000 milligrams a day.
Sodium has benefits, like helping to maintain the body's right balance of fluids, says cardiologist Richard Katz, MD, director of the cardiology division of George Washington University. But ingesting too much salt is a prime cause of increased blood pressure. Higher blood pressure is a major cause of heart attacks and strokes, both of which can be reduced by minimizing salt intake.? Even among healthy adults there is usually room for improvement in the blood pressure department. "If blood pressure is 125/70, it's better at 120/70", Katz says. (The American Heart Association [AHA] notes that low blood pressure is relative for each person and is a concern when it drops suddenly. Your doctor can help you reach a blood pressure goal that best enhances your health.)
Only a quarter of sodium intake actually comes from salting our food, says AHA President Dan Jones, MD. More than 75 percent of sodium in our daily diets comes from the processed foods we eat. Salt is a natural preservative and it enhances flavor, so it's no surprise that salt and other forms of sodium are included in packaged foods.
What do I need to to do change my salt intake and balance my super supplements?
The first step to keep sodium under control is to make smart choices at your grocery store. Choose sodium-free, low-sodium, or no-salt-added convenience foods. Always read the label! Reading the Nutrition Facts Panel is an easy way to gauge the amount of sodium present in a food. If an item contains more than 20 percent Daily Value (DV) of a nutrient, a serving of that food is considered to contain a high amount of that nutri ent, according to the FDA; five percent DV of a nutrient is deemed low. For sodium, 20 percent DV equals 460 milligrams; five percent DV sodium is just 115 milligrams.
Lower-fat or fat-free products can be higher in sodium than their full-fat counterparts: An ounce of full-fat sharp cheddar cheese has less sodium than one ounce of fat-free cheddar. When fat is removed from foods, other things like sodium may be added to compensate. Still, if you're trying to limit saturated fat in your diet by enjoying low and fat-free foods, the trade-off may be worth it if you limit sodium in other areas.
Disodium guanylate (flavor enhancer)
Disodium inosinate (flavor enhancer)
Sodium alginate (thickener)
Sodium benzoate (preservative)
Sodium bicarbonate (texture enhancer)
Sodium citrate (pH influencer)
Sodium hydroxide (pH influencer)
What should I do to in addition to lowe ring my intake of this not so great super supplement? Exercise can help keep your body balanced both inside and outand great super supplements can help. When you sweat, you secrete the salts in your body. However, if you work out hard or play hard for more than an hour, you should drink an electrolyte replacing sports drink because you can actually lose too much salt while working out for long periods of time.