Low Calorie Fat Diets

When you are on a low calorie diet, you will want to find recipes for foods that are low in calories. Yet, sometimes, you'll find something that you really would like to eat but it will have something in it that is high calorie. Can you still make it? How can you get around those tricky situations? To help you, there are a number of substitutions that you can easily use in most recipes to get all of the flavor and texture of the recipe you are looking for but with a whole lot less calories. Low calorie fat diets may be an alternative.

If you would like something cold but ice cream is just too rich in calories, consider low or non fat frozen yogurt. To replace whole milk, substitute it with skim milk. Look for reduced fat cheeses instead of standard cheese for a large deduction in calories, fat and sodium. For cakes and pies that are too calorie rich, look for something less rich such as angel food cake or sorbet with all of the sweetness you crave.

Pudding...sugar free pudding, even better is gelatin
Potato Chips...pretzels.
Doughnuts...go for bagels

That is just for taste. If you are looking for substitutions for ingredients in your favorite recipes, you can often find these too. Look for low fat foods instead of whole fat. When considering no fat foods, you'll find a real difference in the taste and often the texture of the food. Instead, take a few extra calories and take in the low fat foods.

You can also look at your oils. Extra virgin olive oil has a lot of good fats in it and is very good for your heart. Use this instead of vegetable oil. You'll find that margarine is a better choice over butter too. A good quality product won't taste bad either.

There are a number of other ways that you can handle the foods you eat. Look at the ingredients in your favorite recipe. Ask yourself what you can replace in that recipe that may be lower calorie than something alrea dy there. You may find that there are even some of the best flavors in these reduced calorie foods. Finally, don't feel that you have to spend a lot of money to be on a low calorie diet. Some of the best foods for you are whole vegetables and fruits.

The Secrets Behind pH Miracle Diet

The latest dieting phenomenon which has taken the health and nutrition sector by storm is the pH miracle diet. Diets are essentially fads which come and go, but more often than not, after the initial hype, people become frustrated with the diets because they do not produce the promised results. Examples of such diets would be the low-fat diet in the 90s, which gave way to low-carbohydrate diets such as Protein Power, Sugarbusters and Atkins, the South Beach Diet.

The pH miracle diet, or the alkaline diet or Young diet, named after its founder Robert Young, has been at the centre of attention since it was first introduced, because it does not follow the high protein, low carbohydrate diet advocated by dieticians for the past few years. How does a pH miracle diet work? The theory behind this is that our body is slightly alkaline. Since our body's mechanism functions best at the alkaline medium, it only makes sense for our diet to be mostly made up of alkaline fo ods. However, the food that we eat are considered acidic. Foods such as sugar, animal protein, caffeine and packaged food will introduce acids into our body, and thus interfering with the alkaline minerals in our body. Alkaline minerals are magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium, which protect our body from chronic illnesses.

Therefore, the idea behind the pH diet is to prevent us from falling prey to a host of diseases when these minerals are depleted due to the incorrect pH balance in your body. Do not go away with the notion that the acidic foods you consume are only done in small quantities. In fact, what you put in your mouth is significant enough to affect your overall health. Even though the usual balanced diet and the food pyramid recommended by doctors may seem sufficient, an inclusion of the pH diet will ensure avoidance of food that is detrimental to your health.

FDA often makes recommendations on food that are good for our health, and whole-wheat grain products is one such example. Going strictly by the pH diet theory, however, it falls into the category of "acidic foods" which we should avoid, together with millet, oats and rice. Instead, alkaline grains such as quinoa, spelt and buckwheat are better replacements due to the alkaline properties.

Thus, many of the foods that are supposedly recommended violate the pH miracle diet. Besides wheat, all meats and dairy products are also on the exclusion list. Alternative sources of protein can come from goat milk or vegetables like tofu, beans certain nuts and seeds, except for mushrooms. Fruits that are in the inclusion list are grapefruit, coconut, lemon and lime.

You will only be able to experience the difference after you've embarked on the pH miracle diet. Mind you, it's not just a slight improvement in your health, the effect is revolutionary! The rule of the thumb in any diet is to include more vegetables and fruits and lower th e consumption of processed food. This is why opponents of the pH miracle diet claims that pH balance does not play a vital part in maintaining our health since we are already eating healthily. Moreover, there is no solid scientific research to testify that this diet is beneficial to our health. On the other hand, many believe in its potential are it is currently being researched by John Hopkins' University and by Neil Solomon from the United Nations. Having its grounds firm in Chinese medicine and holistic medicine, it is hoped these new findings will prove the effectiveness of the pH miracle diet to its critics, and gain a new following on a quest to better health.

The Ultimate Weight Shredding Diet - Lose More Than 10 Kg in 30 Days

This diet is for all the people who want to lose more than twenty thirty pounds of weight. It can also be followed by anyone any gender. For breakfast you will have egg whites cooked egg whites in microwave. Do not add any salt in it, you can add any other herbs to the egg. Do not add any oil. Have half a grapefruit after you are done eating the egg. On alternate days have 1 orange and 6 egg whites for men, and 4 egg whites for women.

For mid morning snack you can have a low calorie protein shake, you can make this shake in low fat yogurt by adding any of your favorite fruits except bananas and mangoes or any protein bar or a 1 oz beef jerky. For lunch time you can have 4oz of grilled chicken or 1 small can low sodium spring water albacore tuna fish, half unpeeled apple, and 8 raw baby carrots. For dinner you can have 6 oz of grilled chicken or 8 oz of grilled fish or 4 oz of beef. Have one medium sized baked potato with 1 tea spoon of low fat margarine or 1 tea spoo n of low fat sour cream. Add half a cup of steamed broccoli or cauliflower or you can have a cup of green salad with squeezed lemon.

Before going to bed have an orange or ½ grapefruit. This diet will make you shed weight of like a machine, but make sure you add the exercise with it. It is advisable to do any type of cardiovascular exercise while doing this diet. you can do any type of exercise you want, the preferred ones are walking or running on the treadmill, or the elliptical. You can also swim if you want. Make sure you drink a lot of water while doing the diet. If you feel you are suffering from hair loss, get any multivitamin.

Watch Your Diet

Instead of eating a hamburger at lunch, you opt for chicken noodle soup and a slice of white bread without butter. Instead of snacking on potato chips, you munch on a couple of rice cakes.

Whole grains are very versatile and can be incorporated into all meals, snacks, appetizers, entrees, salads, soups and even desserts. Usually, a person eats foods high in caffeine, sugar, packaged foods and animal protein. These foods are acidic and have the ability to disturb the pH balance of the body, thereby creating a lot of health problems. Rather than focusing on how many carbs a food has look at the food's Glycemic Index, a measure of how much one's blood sugar rises after eating a particular food. Eating high GI foods means large amounts of glucose are released into the body.

Forget blood pressure, blood sugar, and hormone levels. The single most important health measurement is the pH level in your blood. Stick to healthy whole grains which are absorbed slowly and do not lead to imbalanced sugar levels, such as brown rice, millet, spelt, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth or natural white rice such as jasmin or basmati

Foods such as sugar, animal protein, caffeine and packaged food will introduce acids into our body, and thus interfere with the alkaline minerals in our body. Alkaline minerals are magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium, which protect our body from chronic illnesses. High-carb and high-glycemic foods (e.g., white potatoes, tropical fruit, dried fruit, sugar), as well as artificial sweeteners, are discouraged. Low/zero-calorie natural sweeteners such as stevia, lo-han, and xylitol are permitted. 

Dairy products turn into lactic acid because of its high concentration of sugar, which means you know it - acidic waste! The reason blood cholesterol, sugar, and triglycerides may be reduced on high protein diets is that people are eating much less, because of their loss of appetite, and sometimes nausea. Similar re sults, for similar reasons, are seen with cancer chemotherapy. This is very similar to the alkaline diet, in which you cut out all of the negative food stuffs, and replace with a diet rich in low sugar fruits, vegetables, good oils and small amounts of fish/lean meat. 

In all honesty, the only downside to paying to join a weight loss program or a weight loss plan is that you have to pay to do so. With that in mind, however, you should be able to find affordable weight loss programs and plans, both locally and online. The 5 Day Miracle Diet doesn't come easy, but it is a miracle worker if you follow the plan. 

I can attest first hand that the diet does work provided proper diligence is applied to the proposed meal plan. However, following the diet will prove to be no easy task as even the simple block plan amounts to a low calorie diet that leaves one in the same predicament of any other low calorie diet; a large requirement of willpower for long term success.

The Problem With Almost All Low Carb/High Protein Diets

Do they work? Yes -- you do lose weight initially on a High Protein/Low Carb diet but 90% of your initial weight loss is water. And that's where the problems begin.

What happens after your body has shed its water weight? It starts to burn the left over fat and then, because it lacks carbohydrates to burn for energy, it starts to burn protein - your muscles. These diets induce a metabolic condition known as ketosis which is really an unhealthy condition found in people who suffer from kidney disease and diabetes. It is not usually found in healthy people. Burning protein is not healthy because protein is nature's building material and is vital for repairing and rebuilding your body's cells, tissues and organs. Advocates of the Low Carb/High Protein/Fat diets play down ketosis and claim it's proof your body's burning fat. That's true in part. Ketosis does burn fat but will also, eventually, burn your body's muscle tissue.

If you've ever been on one of these diets, you've noticed that your urine gets yellow. This is due to ketones which is a by-product of ketosis. This is evidence that your body is burning and breaking up muscle tissue which is protein. That's dangerous because if too much of your body's protein is broken down you could suffer irreparable liver and kidney damage. Further symptons of muscle breakdown is evident in general weakness, fatigue and lack of energy.

Another thing to consider about Low Carb/High Protein diets is that during the process of ketosis your body also breaks down fatty acids and converts them to ketones and acetones which are used for fuel. A side effect of this is that your body loses vital minerals like potassium and sodium. This reduces your thyroid hormone level which in turn slows down your metabolism and subsequently your rate of weight loss. Furthermore ketosis could boost your blood cholesterol levels which is definitely not a safe situation.

Once you stop the regimen the weight piles right back on and then some.

There's a simple way to avoid this. Do not restrict your diet to any one food group or category.

Rather than blindly cutting Carbohydrates and increasing protein and fat intake, you should opt for a healthy ratio of 30% protein, 15% fat, and 55% Complex Carbohydrates. This ratio will help you to lose weight steadily and safely. The key is to reduce fat and SIMPLE carbohydrates not Carbohydrates in general.

Another downside of Low Carb/High Fat diets is that studies show that the less carbs you consume the more likely you are to consume more fat. And this excess fat is stored up in your body's fat cells where they'll linger indefinitely, clogging up your arteries with unhealthy cholesterol. Thus the more fat you eat the more your body will retain no matter how little carbs you eat, even if you eat no carbs at all.

Now here's the secret about eating complex carbs. Because complex carbs have a low glycemic index your body has to use 250% more energy to convert these carbs into fuel than it does to convert fat into fuel. Your body works harder to metabolise and burn calories from complex carbs than it does High Protein/Low Carb. The result? Safe, systematic weight reduction - the best way to avoid health problems and sagging skin caused by too rapid weight loss.

Popcorn Diet: Successful Or Unsuccessful?

There is a lot of confusion concerning diets around North America. One minute we are told that low carb, high fat, high protein diets are best, while the next we hear that high carbohydrate, low fat diets are the ticket to weight loss. However, there is no real secret diet that will work for everyone, and it is important to pick a diet that works well with your likes and lifestyle. In this article we will review a fad diet that was presented to consumers a couple of years back; the popcorn diet.

By now, everyone should know that fad diets fail to work because they are short term, unrealistic, and usually starvation diets that encourage our bodies to pack on the fat after we go off of them. There are some good aspects of the popcorn diet though, which includes snacking all day on air-popped popping corn. Popcorn is very high in dietary fiber which is key for losing weight because of it's ability to make out stomachs feel fuller for longer without the added calo ries. Fiber is also essential in maintaining regular bowel health, preventing heart disease and certain cancers. Popcorn is also extremely low in calories which makes it a great food to snack on if you get the munchies.

On the down side however, most people don't really like the taste of plain popcorn because it is really dry and bland. So instead of having a healthy low calorie snack, they load it up with butter and salt which makes it extremely high in sodium and in many cases, higher in fat than potato chips. Eating an excessive amount of corn can block the absorption of vitamin B, which can result in anemia, low energy levels, skin rashes, depression and short term memory loss.

Don't let this turn you off from popcorn though! Popcorn can be a great contribution to your diet, and a little salt and butter once in a while won't kill you either. Just remember, humans can't live on popcorn alone, and this is why the "popcorn diet" is yet another fail ed fad. It is also important to note that popcorn belongs in the top five foods that children choke on under the age of five, so refrain from giving your little one popcorn until he/she is older, and make sure you don't leave any popcorn laying around.

The Pitfalls of Weight Loss Programs and Diets

Most diet and weight loss programs have a depressingly high failure rate, with people either never reaching their weight goals or reaching them and regaining all the weight they lost (and sometimes more) in about one year.

Getting the weight off fast is so desirable that many of us are willing to sacrifice health and ignore common sense in the hope that some new weight loss program or scheme will work. This pipe dream can unfortunately outweigh the negative consequences. So let's examine the downside of dieting.

What Is An Unhealthy Weight Loss Program?

* Any weight loss program that is not nutritionally sound;
* One that works against what the body naturally needs like vitamins, minerals, and a minimum number of calories a day;
* One that requires you to go without eating (for example, fasting or meal replacement drinks);
* One that puts your body into an unnatural state, such as starvation or ketosis.

Your body can only lose a few pounds a week on a consistent basis. If you lose more than that initially, it's likely just water loss. So any weight loss program that promises you will lose five pounds a week, or 25 pounds in 3 weeks, is guaranteeing you will be losing water and muscle mass not fat.

Almost every popular weight loss program out there falls into one of the following diet categories: low calorie diets, meal replacement drinks, packaged foods, unbalanced nutrients, and ketosis diets. Let's see how they stack up.


Whenever you drastically reduce your calories, the body enters an unnatural state and its defenses kick in. So when calories drop below, say, 1000 calories a day, your metabolism will shut down in an effort to conserve energy. And weight loss with a sluggish metabolism is very difficult.

Your body will start using muscle tissue to provide energy, which again leads to a decrease in the m etabolism. Taken to an extreme, the body will break down its vital parts (such as the heart muscle) trying to meet its energy needs.

In addition to these drawbacks, trying to maintain the weight loss over time is nearly impossible because your body is now used to making do with very few calories. Going back to "normal" eating causes the weight to pile back on.

For this reason, low cal weight loss programs rarely work over the long haul.


One of the most unnatural things for your body is to go without solid food, which is what meal replacement plans ask it to do. Some people think that dieting will be easier if they aren't confronted with daily food choices and the pounds will just fall off. This may be true while they are on the liquid diet. But what about afterwards?

Where will the good eating habits come from after you've lost the weight? This is something that takes time, practice and knowledge. Dieters need to establish a healthy attitude towards a life-long eating plan. And no "fad" weight loss program or liquid lunch can help you with that.

Getting hooked on meal replacements can become a destructive way to view food. It often leads dieters to fear food or binge to "feed" their cravings after a long period of deprivation. And that's just the psychological side of the equation.

The lack of fiber in such weight loss programs can be a threat to good physical health. And when the body is denied enough solid food, the intestines go into overdrive absorbing calories and nutrients. This helps you during the diet period, but later it makes it much easier to regain the weight.

Another yo-yo weight loss program that hurts you in the end.


Be cautious about any weight loss program that has strict rules about good foods and bad foods. Sure, high fat and high sugar foods might be considered bad for the waistline, but moderation not abstinence is key to success.

Why? Because eating the same foods every day (say, grapefruit or high protein meals) is going to result in two things: nutritional imbalance and boredom.

All foods are made up of the same nutrients in different amounts: fat, carbohydrates, and protein. It is the right proportion of these nutrients that will bring about weight loss - not the avoidance of "bad" foods and the consumption of only "good" or magical foods.

In the world of dieting, no one food or nutrient group is magical. Variety and moderation are the keys to a healthy diet and a successful weight loss program.


To stay at your ideal body weight, you have to learn how to make proper food choices. By following a packaged food weight loss program you are postponing the inevitable, and spending plenty of $$$ in the process.

Another problem w ith this kind of weight loss program is that the foods provided are not always healthy. Read the package label and you will see chemicals, preservatives, sodium, sugar and saturated fats. And when all you can eat is packaged food, how do you plan meals with other people? Going out to restaurants and parties and enjoying family meals becomes a big hassle.

Your weight loss program then becomes a burden, not only to you, but to those around you.


Ketosis has been defined as:

"An abnormal condition marked by excessive production of ketone bodies. Often caused by high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins diet."

Atkins and certain other weight loss programs are based on the principle of restricting carbohydrates to the point that the body enters into ketosis. On the surface, a ketogenic diet seems to work for two reasons: First, you'll lose large amounts of weight, which is very pleasing to the dieter. Secondly, you don't experience hunger.

But there are serious drawbacks. Your weight goes down due to water loss (which occurs when you restrict carbohydrates) and a loss of lean muscle tissue. This is NOT true, lasting weight loss.

The loss of appetite comes from having ketones building up in the body, which can harm your health. Side effects of a ketosis weight loss program can include fatigue, kidney stones, gout, and muscle loss. The longer you follow such a diet, the greater the risk to your health.

Clearly not a wise choice of weight loss program, not for the short term or the long.


There are always new weight loss programs coming onto the market and going in and out of style. To evaluate if a weight loss program is healthy and sensible for you, ask yourself the following questions:

* Is the plan nutritionally sound?
* Will it help improve m y weight, metabolism, cholesterol level, blood pressure, energy level, and general health?
* Will I be eating real food and not have to buy special formulas, drinks, etc?
* Will I be eating a wide variety of foods rather than just a few "diet" foods?
* Am I allowed to have some treats and eat my favorite foods?
* Can I eat out in restaurants, have a glass of wine with dinner, or some dessert?
* Can I follow this weight loss program without it interfering with my lifestyle?
* Can I lose weight without feeling hungry?
* Will l develop eating habits for life-long weight control with this weight loss program?
* Is this the last diet I will ever need to finally reach and maintain my ideal weight?

Cabbage Soup Diet - The 5 Stark and Dark Realities

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a short-term answer to a long-term problem. Dramatic weight loss can be achieved through the Cabbage Soup Diet. However, this diet should only be undertaken for one week at the most. Undertaking this diet longer than one week will lead to health problems. The very low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet is very severe in that very little nutrients is absorbed by the body. Here are some of the concerns you should look into:

1. The Yoyo Effect

Since the dieter can return to his or her normal eating pattern after one week, the feelings of deprivation created by the seven-day diet will result to the individual's need to fill that feeling by eating his or her favorite high-fat, high-calorie food. The binge eating will then result to feelings of guilt and a ballooning of weight, even more so prior to the diet. The individual will then go back to the diet and after one week, the cycle continues. This is very unhealthy for the b ody which cannot sustain drastic drops and increase in weight in a short period of time. The yoyo diet will also leave the dieter sick or looking slack.

2. The Unhealthy Diet Plan

A diet which is very low calorie and has a very low carbohydrate supply is unhealthy according to health experts. Although fruits and vegetables can be good for you, the absence of protein can affect the person's overall feeling of well-being. The soup itself contains nutrients but it is only in small amounts which makes the diet impractical in the long term.

3. Physical After Effects

The dieters who have undergone the diet report of looking tired and limp. Dark circles around the eyes are evident and the muscles are often soft. Since what is lost is primarily water weight, the overall look cannot be called healthy. Often, the lethargic feeling during the diet period becomes evident after the diet.

4. The Feeling of H unger

Hunger does not compensate the large amount of pounds taken off. It's basically starving yourself and although you are allowed to eat as much as you can, the hunger pangs can lead to misery in most people. The week will be terrible and if the dieter is not prepared for the emotional, mental and physical onslaught brought about by hunger, then the diet will not work. It requires very strict adherence.

5. Some Side effects

The side effect is more mental than physical. You will have your kitchen as well as the whole house smelling of cabbage. You will be eating cabbage day in and day out. You will not want to look at cabbage for the rest of your life after the diet. It can be very bland and monotonous but you can dress it up with seasoning and spices. However, medical experts say that this causes the diet to become sodium-enriched, risking the possibility of kidney-related health problems.

Also, be prepared fo r flatulence, irritability, lethargic feeling and inability to concentrate. Because of the huge amounts of water you will be drinking to compensate for lack of solid food, you will also be going to the bathrooms dozens of times in one day.

Diet Tips to Lower your Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Are you gaining weight? Does this make you worry about your cholesterol level? Do you feel like you need to do something about your eating habits particularly your cholesterol diet?

What is the first thing to consider in a low cholesterol diet? Knowing the purpose of a low cholesterol diet will make you adhere to it more sincerely. Then before indulging in any strict diet, low cholesterol diet included, you have to know why some foods are safe to eat and why some are not. However, a lifestyle change that would include a good cholesterol diet as a first step would work best.

The basic of cholesterol lowering diet is the decrease in the total intake of saturated fat, calories, and cholesterol in the body to decrease weight. These types of foods are mainly fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have very high fiber content; this soaks cholesterol like sponge and disposes it out of the body. Apples, oranges and pears are high fiber foods. This i ncludes oats and carrots. Pasta, whole grains and potatoes are samples of complex carbohydrates.

If you want to go on a cholesterol diet you should minimize your intake of the day's total saturated fat calorie by 7% and fat by 25-35 percent. Limit your sodium intake by 2400 milligrams daily.

Remember, cholesterol lowering diet and maintaining a daily exercise are major factors in lowering the cholesterol level.

Here are some tips on cholesterol diet approaches:

Taking fiber-rich foods such as whole grains as your primary source of carbohydrates. This should go hand in hand with an increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables such as berries, oranges, apples, pears, grapes, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, tomatoes, dark leafy greens celery, squash and eggplant among others.

Staying away from saturated fats which are mostly found in animal foods such as meat, poultry and dairy products is a good cho lesterol diet. Opt for unsaturated fats instead, specifically omega-3 fatty. Good sources of these would be the vegetable and fish oils.

Source out protein from soy protein, poultry, and fish instead of meat.

Major lifestyle change as a part of cholesterol diet would mean weight control, exercise, and quitting smoking.

If you want to dine out and still stick on your cholesterol diet, here are some tips for you to follow so that you will be able to maintain your cholesterol diet.

Find out which restaurants have low saturated fat and have a low cholesterol menu.

Sharing your dish with your companion or taking some home is advisable, better yet, you can also ask for appetizer-size servings or a side dish.

Ask to separate the gravy, butter, rich sauces and dressings. You can control your cholesterol and saturated fat much easier that way.

Ask the extras (salad, fries, baked potato) to be left off or substitute them.

If you are craving for pizza, order the one that has vegetable toppings (green pepper, onions, and mushrooms) instead of meat or extra cheese. Or to make it easier for you, order it with half of the cheese or no cheese at all.

If your dining on a fast-food restaurant, order salads, grilled skinless chicken sandwiches (fried and breaded are a no no), regular-sized hamburgers or roast beef sandwiches. Avoid large burgers, sandwiches and french-fries.

Choose the dishes that are cooked on a low cholesterol method (broiled, steamed, au jus, garden fresh, baked, roasted, poached, tomato juice, dry boiled and lightly saturated)

Be mindful of dishes that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. (butter sauce, fried, crispy, creamed, au gratin, au fromage, escalloped, parmesan, hollandaise, béarnaise, marinated, stewed, basted, sautéed, casserole and pastry crust)

Take note that if you l ose weight, your calorie needs will also be lowered. It will decrease the amount of saturated fat and the fat that you will be able to consume on the cholesterol diet.

If you are having a hard time of making changes with cholesterol lowering diet, consult a nutritionist or dietitian so that you can work up some sample diets.

The Best Diet Plan With Low Cholesterol

Your body is a result of what you eat; hence, it is always emphasized on the importance of a healthy and nutritious diet. The food stuffs are made of essential nutrients responsible for the functioning of human body. Along with them, certain other substances like cholesterol are present which might have a detrimental effect on the body.

Cholesterol is a major factor for all modern day diseases especially cardiac disorders. If an individual has an advanced and elevated cholesterol level, he will be more susceptible to heart complications. A higher concentration of cholesterol in the blood sugar also threatens a danger of heart attack. So, it is constantly advertised to lower down the cholesterol and fat content in your diet which can significantly reduce the danger.

There are certain medications available in the markets which help to lessen the effects of cholesterol and decrease the intensity. Still, your diet is the most important aspect. According to research, a strict vegetarian food pattern drops the cholesterol level by almost one-third in a month. Fruits and vegetables have no fat content and are low cholesterol foods whereas consumption of meats and non-vegetarian foods increase the blood cholesterol.

A substantial portion of vegetables like broccoli and red peppers will be the best medication for a high cholesterol level. In addition, a plethora of fruits and nuts along with food items like soy milk, soy sausages, oat bran cereals and bread constitute a healthy, low cholesterol diet. These food products are good in taste and also nutritious. Fruits are rich fiber sources and have multiple functions in the body.

Fats are one of the major food groups and consist of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Nutritionists suggest that if you are on a low cholesterol diet, your aim should be to reduce the ingestion of hydrogenated fats by 7%. Also, you would need to cut down oil and other fatty substances by 25-35%. For the best results, consume the unrefined and crude form which would be greatly effective compared to the pure and processed forms. Fish and fish oil are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which leads to a glowing skin along with lowering cholesterol levels. Sodium intake in the form of salt should be narrowed down to 2400mg daily in a well planned diet.

Plan all the major meals of your day in advance to induce a low cholesterol diet. Your breakfast should comprise of oatmeal bread, fruits minced into small bits, soymilk, vegetable margarine and jam. The breakfast should be sufficient in quantity as it fulfils the major calorie requirement throughout the day. Your lunch should be light with a variety of choices like a fruit or a dessert and oat bran bread. A low cholesterol dinner is ideal with fruits, almonds, tofu and stir-fry vegetables. It is astonishing but if one religiously follows a healthy food habit consistently for a prolong ed period, there can be significant decrease in the cholesterol level which can be around 29% in a single month.

Get a Comprehensive Diet Regimen From Nutrisystem

The Nutrisystem meal plans provide a booster diet regimen tailored to be highly customized based on the individual needs without compromising the enjoyment of eating great tasting yet healthier diet.

If you are having a hard time framing your own diet plan, you do not need to sweat it out. Nutrisystem is the newest online diet site that helps in creating your comprehensive diet plan to keep you fit and to maintain a slim, healthy figure to enjoy.

Nutrisystem can assist dieters to deal with the different weight loss issues confronting them and offers counseling through telephone and online services. One can find a comprehensive diet and weight loss programs that are tailored for every individual's needs from the Nutrisystem weight loss program.

The diet and weight loss program by Nutrimetrics are directed towards providing quality food planning that promotes nutritious and balanced meal plan that is highly suited according to individua l needs.

Nutrisystem have a comprehensive diet and weight loss programs that are suited for women, men, diabetics and vegetarians. Nutrisystem has a 28-day weight loss program that is created specifically to meet a woman's needs. It consists of a 120 pre-packaged meals and desserts to choose from.

Nutrisystem also has a diet program especially suited for men to keep their body leaner and healthier while keeping away fats. Not only does the Nutrisystem diet program provides a healthy meal plan for women and men but they also offer a weight loss and healthy diet regimens for older men and women.

With its unique pre-packaged vegetarian meal plan and a diet plan for diabetics, Nutrisystem provides the best comprehensive diet plan online. It offers a Nutrisystem advanced diet program that consists of a low glycemic index carbohydrates with the right amounts of fibers and protein and low fat diet plans.

Adding its diet meal plan with foods rich in omega-3s along with soluble fibers, it promotes a healthy cardiac system that enables its customers live with a healthy heart to fully enjoy life better and of course much longer.

There are several menu entrée offered based on the individual's needs with foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables and a low sodium, low calorie and low fat diet without sacrificing the quality of the tastes to enjoy. Nutrisystem never wean from providing their dieting customers what they really need on their daily diet without compromising the enjoyment of eating good tasting healthy foods.

Nutrisystem offers a highly customizable menu or one can sort through different pre-packaged meals carefully selected by Nutrisystem diet experts. Individuals who undergo counseling with Nutrisystem will be enjoying access to unlimited health and diet articles that can help them further motivate their inclination to live a healthier lifestyle.

T he Nutrisystem's comprehensive diet meal programs guarantees complete enjoyment of great tasting healthy foods that are specifically tailored to an individual's need without compromising the health in order to stay fit and to live life fuller and longer.

The Nutrisystem Diet: the Really Healthy Way to Diet


In today's really fast-paced world where convenience is the name of the game, a diet program with no hassle could arrive right in your doorstep, so when the doorbell rings, it might not be the pizza delivery boy but your diet meal for the day.

The NutriSystem Diet, first and foremost, is a healthy diet and its diet plan was conceived way back in 1972. The diet plan of this program doesn't make one doing all the planning, preparing, buying, cooking and proportioning of the meals that one would be consuming. Instead, one would simply and conveniently choose among a line up of foods/meals/entrees/desserts available (more than 120), inform the people behind NutriSystem and wait for your meals to be delivered to you. The meals come in small bags that are microwave-ready, so you could just pop them inside the microwave, wait for some minutes and voila! Your diet meal right in front you. No sweat.

The NutriSystem Diet, because of the recurring changes in lifestyle and eating patterns of man throughout the years, had its diet plan adjusted to suit the needs of the modern people and thus, in 2008 the NutriSytem Advanced plan was introduced to the public and it concentrates on the following:

  • Carbohydrates (55%)
  • low-sodium meals (with only 1,800 milligrams of sodium consumed in a day)
  • whole grains (abundant servings)
  • fruits and vegetables (six servings)
  • high-fiber foods
  • protein-rich foods (25%)
  • omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber added on meals for a better heart
  • fat (20%)

The NutriSytem Advanced plan allows one to have five meals in a day, so one would not starve him/herself to lose weight. Its meal plan is generally divided in to two:

  • 1,500 calories : men
  • 1,200 calories : women

No t recommended are:

  • processed foods
  • white bread
  • alcohol

The NutriSystem Diet also requires one to get involved with physical activities as it also offers fitness plans from basic fitness workouts to yoga. There are also other great features of this diet that are obtainable at Diet Fads.

2 Healthy Recipes For Your Wedding Diet

Trust me, I know how hard "DIETING" can be!  Been there, Done that!!!!  Especially a Wedding Diet.

Revolving your day around food, what time you're going to eat, what you're going to eat, where, counting calories, starving, depriving yourself, Etc.......

This is why I have dedicated myself to creating HEALTHY RECIPES for meals that are quick, easy to make, and will help you lose weight and get fit.

The Most effective Wedding Diet is comprised of:

  • Eating a Buff Bride Meal every 3-4 hours.
  • A Buff Bride Meal includes: A lean protein, a Starchy Carb, and a fibrous veggie.
  • Cut back on fat, sugar, and sodium.
  • Drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces.

I have been "dieting" which I really mean "eating healt hy" for over 15 years, and the only way I have been able to stick to it and get RESULTS is by ENJOYING WHAT I EAT!!!

Isn't that something??? Who would have thought that you can enjoy "dieting", but I do! And I want you too also!!!!

Now I want to give you these Healthy Recipes.

Why???? Because this is the trick! This is the way to succeed!! The way to be able to lose weight and get fit by sticking to the "wedding diet" but not feeling DEPRIVED!

These recipes taste great, are easy to make, and are so healthy that they will help you lose weight and get fit so that you look amazing in your wedding gown. Best of all, you will not feel as if you are on a diet.

Remember a Buff Bride Meal should include:

  • Lean Protein
  • Healthy Carbs
  • Fibrous Vegetables

Wedd ing Diet Healthy Recipe #1:  Paprika Turkey Meatballs(4-6 Servings)

2 onions, finely chopped
2 ribs celery, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
One 14-ounce can diced tomatoes
One 12-ounce jar roasted peppers, drained
2 tbsp paprika
2 egg whites
¼ cup homemade Ezekiel Bread Crumbs or Whole-Wheat
1 package extra lean ground turkey breast
Salt and pepper to taste
Low sodium chicken stock for cooking.


In a large skillet add chicken stock to medium heat. Add the onions, celery and garlic and sauté until cooked. Transfer a little over a cup of the onion mixture to a large bowl and let cool.

In a food processor, puree the tomatoes and roasted peppers. Add the puree to the skillet and bring to a boil over medium heat. Stir in the paprika. Add the mixture to a big pot and cook.

Whisk the breadcrumbs, egg whites into the remaining onion mixtu re. Mix in the turkey and form meatballs. Add the meatballs to the pot and cook until done.

Wedding Diet Healthy Recipe #2:  Mashed Sweet Potato(4 Servings)


3 sweet potatoes
½ cup starchy water
½ cup fat-free cottage cheese
½ cup fat-free shredded cheddar cheese
Cinnamon to taste-optional

Instructions: Peel and boil the sweet potatoes until soft.Cut the potatoes in chunks and place them in a food processor, add the starchy water, the cottage cheese and the shredded cheddar cheese and blend until smooth and creamy.





Wedding Diets - Tips Picking a Wedding Diet Plan

If you are getting married soon and are looking for a wedding weight loss plan, you are likely wondering what kind of diet is right for you. Most brides worry about their weight before their wedding and spend a lot of time and energy trying to lose weight before the big day. If you are searching for a wedding dress diet, consider a few things before jumping into a weight loss program.

With so many weight loss plans available, it can be difficult to find a plan that really works, without complicated calorie counting, vigorous exercise programs, and stringent guidelines. While many diet plans will work as a wedding diet, some diet programs are too complicated and time consuming.

A good wedding day diet will not starve you or advocate stimulant use. In fact a good wedding diet plan will teach you all about proper nutrition. Trimming your calorie intake and eating the right foods, combined with moderate exercise, will help you to lose weight fast.

Low fat diets are not always a good choice. Low fat foods are low in fat but can be loaded with calories. You may be eating more calories on a low fat diet than you realize. Cutting calorie intake is the best way to begin a weight loss plan. Fewer calories combined with a consistent active lifestyle will give faster results.

Salad diets are not a good idea if you want to lose weight. Eating a lot of salad has two downfalls. Salad will not satisfy your appetite and hunger for very long. In fact, within an hour of eating a salad you may find yourself wanting to eat again. Salad dressings and toppings can have far more calories than the salad itself. Avoid eating a lot of salad for meals while on a wedding diet and eat a low calorie meal instead, this will give you consistent source of energy.

Low carb diets are one of the worst ways to lose weight, next to starvation. Low carb diets will make you miserable and can cause painful headaches. Ca rbohydrates are necessary for your body and avoiding them all together may have negative effects. Many people gain their weight back after low carb dieting.

While dieting, increasing your water intake has many benefits. You kidneys need water to eliminate toxins from your body. High protein foods break down into toxic chemicals that also need to be flushed from the body. Drinking more water will boost your metabolism and help you to feel fuller. Drinking too much water combined with starvation diets can cause dangerously low sodium levels. Balanced nutrition and adequate water will increase your weight loss and help you to realize it faster.

Many wedding diets promise to show brides how to lose weight for a wedding. When picking your plan, consider the overall cost and benefits of the diet plan. Good diet programs will not cost you a lot of money and will not require you to buy prepackaged food. You can make delicious food at home and control the ca lories that you eat without sacrificing taste.

Your wedding day diet does not have to be bland, boring, or expensive. You can lose weight for your wedding simply by practicing good nutrition, cutting 500 calories a day, and with moderate exercise.

Alli Diet Pill by Glaxosmithkline

alli™ is the only FDA approved, over-the-counter weight loss product. But it's more than just a pill. It's an innovative weight loss program. The pill works by preventing your body from absorbing some of the fat you eat.

What makes alli™ different?
FDA approval makes alli different. And the customized plan was designed for use with alli capsules to give you the support you need to succeed with weight loss. With your hard work and alli, you can lose about 50% more weight than with just dieting alone. That means if you could lose 10 pounds through dieting, you could lose 15 with alli.

How does it work?
Alli blocks about 25% of the fat you eat. Typically, enzymes in your intestines break down fat from food so your body can absorb the fat. But, the active ingredient in Alli attaches to some of these enzymes and prevents them from digesting about a quarter of the fat you eat. Because undigested fat can't be absorbed, it passes o ut of your body instead of turning into calories.

Does Alli have side effects?
The main side effect occurs when you eat a meal with too much fat when taking Alli. If so much fat is blocked that your stool can't absorb it, you might have side effects. Because they are not harmful, we call them "treatment effects." These include loose or more frequent stools, an urgent need to go to the bathroom, or gas with an oily discharge. The excess fat that passes out of your body is in no way harmful. In fact, you may recognize it as something that looks like oil on top of a pizza. And these treatment effects can be lessened if you stick to reduced-calorie, low-fat meals that average 15 grams of fat per meal.

Do not use if you have had an organ transplant. Orlistat interferes with the medicines used to prevent transplant rejection. Do not use if you are taking cyclosporine, have been diagnosed with problems absorbing food or are not ove rweight.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are taking warfarin (blood thinning medicine), taking medicine for diabetes or thryoid disease, or other weight loss products. Your medication dose may need to be adjusted. Ask a doctor before use if you have ever had gallbladder problems, kidney stones, or pancreatitis.

alli™ Contains: 40 Day Supply (120 Capsules)
alli™ Active Ingredient: Orlistat 60 mg
alli™ Inactive Ingredients: FD&C Blue No. 2, edible ink, gelatin, iron oxide, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium starch glycolate, talc, titanium dioxide.

It is recommend to take a multi-vitamin once a day with Alli, at bedtime. Orlistat can reduce the absorption of some vitamins.

Recommended Use
For overweight adults 18 and older, take 1 capsules with each meal containing fat. Use with a reduced calorie, low-fat diet a nd exercise program until you reach your weight loss goal. Most weight loss occurs in the first 6 months.

The Top 8 Abs Food for Your Abs Diet ( Part 3)

We have come to the final part for my "abs food" article and i will be covering the rest of the abs food in this article

6th abs food for your abs diet - Turkey and Other Lean Meats

Turkey Breast - Turkey contains almost one-third of your daily requirements of niacin and vitamin B6.However, do avoid roasting self-basting bired as they are likely to be injected with fats.

Beef- Beef is the top food source for creatine - the substance that your body uses when you are lifting weights. However, extra care and caution needs to be undertaken when choosing the right type of beef meat as beef itself contains saturated fats. Keep a lookout for rounds or extra-lean; sirloins and New York strips for they are far less fatty than prime ribs and T-bones.

Tuna and Salmon - These fishes contains omega-3 fatty acids and protein. The omega-3 fatty acids helps lower the level of leptin in your body .The lower your leptin levels, the harder it is your body to store fats. Therefore, consuming more tuna and salmon will decrease your body's capability to store fats

7th abs food for your abs diet - Unsweetened oatmeal

When it comes to the carbohydrates that you do take in, you want to make the most of your allotted calories. Oatmeal is a masterpiece in achieving this feat as it is able to provide you with more volume per calorie, thus helping you feel full. Choose only instant unsweetened Oatmeal as preflavoured Oatmeal often comes as a package with sugar calories. Studies have also shown that Oatmeal helps to keep our insulin levels stable by sustaining blood sugar levels longer than many other food. Keeping the insulin level is important as an increased level of insulin level will slow down our metabolism rate and will promote fats storage. Oatmeal also raises the level of testosterone in your body, helping your body to build muscle more effectively and boosting your sex drive.

Preparation of oatmeal : Enhance the flavor of unsweetened oatmeal by adding milk, berries, cinnamon or protein powder to enhance the taste and made it a complete meal.

8th abs food for your abs diet - Low-sodium cottage cheese

Protein is the key nutrient u will need for any base diet plan as it promotes muscle maintenance. However, not all proteins are the same. Choose only slow digesting protein sources as it will help keep you satisfied for the longest, preventing your body from sending the " I am still hungry" signal to your brain. Cottage cheese being a great source of casein protein ( one of the slowest digesting protein sources ) is able to fulfill these 2 criteria to being a healthy source of protein. Go for only low-sodium cottage cheese to minimize water retention in your body as far as possible.

An effective workout program only works well with an effective abs diet. As long as you devote atten tion to keep to your abs diet, getting the 6 pack abs you desire is no longer an impossible feat to achieve !